I’m head over heels for this chick. She’s got a great figure, beautiful face, and is quite entertaining as well. She might not have had much experience with sex before today; but that doesn’t mean that she was any less eager than the rest of us. The two cocks went down her throat and she swallowed the cum dripping from her body. Then, with apprehension, she opened her mouth wide to receive all that remained in there. Yellow streams filled her mouth and she gulped them down. After being tenderized by oral sex they moved on to fucking her pussy and made sure to fill it up with their seed. She ate everything and even licked Bootleg’s ass. Four loads were dropped on her face, which confused her somewhat. This was something new and swallowing those last three loads certainly posed a challenge. This girl is a real catch; I wish it was my turn.
Watch the entire video called “Poke the Woke” on FacialAbuse.com.